Danger ahead, literally!

As some of you players told us, the game is a little unfair when it comes about avoiding meteors.

Guess what? We added a danger sign appearing below the chicken and screaming "Leave this place" if you are under a meteor. Does it really scream? Of course not. Does it help you? It should!

Another thing we improved is the Hat Shop, silently released with the latest update: this pigeon's business allows you to change outfit, just in case you feel festive, or tribal. Give it a shot!

Along with these two bigger improvements, we made little changes on the graphics side of the project, rethinking some hats and working on the wirms presentation. Let us know your thoughts!


Kokolopoko WEB Play in browser
Jan 14, 2021


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A danger sign, Mmh. Would it be nicer a simple shadow instead, which is small at the beginning, growing in size as the meteor approaches the ground?


Well, we initially start with the "growing shadow" idea as someone suggested but soon we came across an issue. 

Managing the overlapping of two objects on the ground: we have the chicken  shadow at its height, let's say X. Being consistent with the 2D space and perspective, the meteor shadow was at the same height X, because the meteor is above the chicken, on the same 2D plane.

The effect caused by the overlapping and the growing was not good, to our eyes.

Thank for your reply!